● 老師分享演講比賽評審會注意的地方: time and tune, pronunciation, and stress.

舉例題目說明: "How to be healty?" 

1. Define "What is health?" 

2. 特殊的論點 ex: "Happiness is most important of all."

   (呼應 how to be healthy)

3. 開頭: I would like to share something with you.

4. 結尾: 切記不能說 That all. 要說: That's all for my presentatoin, and thanks for listening.

   (Thanks for your listening.錯誤, 不能加your)

5. 打噴嚏時要說: excuse me.

6. don't applogize, don't repeat! (忘記時切記)



Word roots:

-cracy: govern 治理

democraccy, bureaucracy官僚, theocracy 神權政治

-the: god


demo-: down, awayfrom

demostration, demotion, demon(de-有負面之意)

man-: hand

manufacturing, manual, manicure

-ium: 框限起來的範圍

stadium, museum, auditorium

-er: things

cooker, locker, opener

se-: apart from

separate, secluded, seclusive, select, segregate

(ex: select, 挑水果, 把本來放在一起的水果和其他的分開)



Finding Forrester

Finding Forrester is a 2000 American drama film written by Mike Rich and directed by Gus Van Sant. A black American teenager, Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown), is invited to attend a prestigious private high school. By chance, Jamal befriends a reclusive writer, William Forrester (Sean Connery), through whom he refines his natural talent for writing and comes to terms with his identity. Anna Paquin, F. Murray Abraham, Michael Pitt, April Grace, Naturi Naughton and Busta Rhymes star in supporting roles.

220px-Finding_forrester (1)  


"Just remember that bitterly disappointed teachers are either very effective or very dangerous."

"You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is... to write, not to think!"



the Raven: (poem)

"The Raven" is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. First published in January 1845, the poem is often noted for its musicality, stylized language, and supernatural atmosphere. It tells of a talking raven's mysterious visit to a distraught lover, tracing the man's slow fall into madness. The lover, often identified as being a student,[ is lamenting the loss of his love, Lenore. Sitting on a bust of Pallas, the raven seems to further instigate his distress with its constant repetition of the word "Nevermore". The poem makes use of a number of folk and classical references.



Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door—
"‘Tis some visitor," I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
               Only this and nothing more.”




Avalon (Welsh: Ynys Afallon; probably from afal, meaning apple) is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend. It first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's 1136 pseudohistorical account Historia Regum Britanniae ("The History of the Kings of Britain") as the place where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was forged and later where Arthur was taken to recover from his wounds after the Battle of Camlann. Avalon was associated from an early date with mystical practices and people such as Morgan le Fay.




Excalibur: 石中劍

Excalibur is the legendary sword of King Arthur, sometimes attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain. Sometimes Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone (the proof of Arthur's lineage) are said to be the same weapon, but in most versions they are considered separate. The sword was associated with the Arthurian legend very early. In Welsh, the sword is called Caledfwlch; in Cornish, the sword is called Calesvol.





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